Things are super weird for me. After 2 1/2 years of being a stepmom, both officially and unofficially, to not being a stepmom, not due to being divorced, but due to my husband's decision to honor his daughter's choices. To change my own way of thinking about things. I said something to hubby last night and he hugged me, he told me that he loved me because my heart is so big and that he sees that I actually care more about the child then her own parents, or at least that is how it seems to him. I am the only one that really sees the child as a person and not a pawn to be used. I've always been a "little mother", since I was 6 years old. My dad thinks it's pretty funny, I'm what most people call a natural parent but I'm not an official parent. Anyway, I need to get some of the info I got from my SIL yesterday out to I can take it apart and process it.
Yesterday I called SIL to give her an update on what was going on. Basically, TM finally agreed to honor the child's decision to not come back to our house. Of course she wants more money, but she won't get it as she is getting the max allowed by the state and if she really wants to fight us on this we will just say fine, the child comes back to our house and we will go for a reduction (as hubby never got his parenting time credit). But our talk was trying to figure out if what we are doing is going to make a difference in the long run. We can't keep doing what we have been doing and expect a different outcome, insanity anyone! We started talking about nature vs. nurture. So I found out that the child's cousin, the one raised with her (at the time hubby's mom was doing all the day care for the kids and hubby was the primary parent) and the cousin is the complete opposite of the child. Hubby was the strict parent and had consequences and was doing things right, when TM wasn't around because TM didn't agree with his parenting and made sure the child knew this, at one time she actually tried to make hubby go up and take back his punishment and tell the child he was wrong and he was sorry for being strict. So the child was raised, yes disfunctionally, but to the best of hubby's ability. Fast forward to now, hubby let a lot of things go slack, because of his guilt, and the child got out of control. The years of seeing mom treat dad like crap and get what ever she wanted taught her to treat people like crap and you get what ever you want. Hubby started to fight back, with consequences and expectations and the child couldn't handle it. TM was in the background telling her that dad doesn't love her and she shouldn't have to earn anything at dad's, just stop talking to him and make him feel you are angry with him. That all back fired, as hubby has someone standing behind him telling him that he is a good person and doesn't deserve to be treated that way, in addition to counseling. So now he is looking to the future and making decisions based on ways to teach the child her actions have consequences and he won't roll over. He needs to learn new habits. SIL was thinking that TM was raised that way, but started thinking about her older sister and TM's parents, and come to find out that neither TM or the older sister were raised to be the way they are, but they are that way. It seems they got the bad from the parents and not the good, just like the child. SIL laughed and said that if the child had my DNA maybe she wouldn't be the way she is. Just a few thoughts for today.
While I write this blog for me, I welcome readers and positive comments. I know that in the "bonus" "step" "blended" or what ever you want to call my family world there is a lot of negativity and depression. I'm just trying to find my way through this with some sanity and to help my fellow travelers who are are the same type of path. Life is not easy but then when things are easy they just don't feel right, I find you appreciate things more when you earn them (and food wise, the easy meal doesn't taste as good as the homecooked meal). So sit back and relax and join me in a glass of wine and share in what I am learning.
To me - it seems like you are rationalizing and making excuses. No, in an intact family she wouldn't be able to hide at moms and avoid consequences but who is allowing her the choice to hide at moms to avoid the consequences? You and your hubby. It really seems that her attitude was more than you wanted to deal with so you just said - here go away. The people paying for that are the kid and your hubby. And if he is the type of man who willingly would let his child walk away from him over some normal teenage monster attitude? Well, I divorced one like that who hasn't seen his kids in 12 years and they don't care to see him now. You realize that that is the chance your hubby is taking? The chance that you're supporting him making? That child could walk away and never look back as it sure appears that he's chosen his new wife and life over her. Truth of the matter is- she's the CHILD. She doesn't GET to make these types of decisions. You and hubby are allowing it. And if you allow this- y'all are committing PA with that child just as much as you claim mom does.
ReplyDeleteI really feel sorry for y'all in the long run. I've walked this road and it sure doesn't get any easier. That child is being who the THREE adults in her life are allowing her to be. You walk away - you let hubby walk away and you can blame no one but who you see in the mirror if she never comes back.